Learn Bamboo Carpentry skills
With Deer Wood In-house Tutor Marc Biddle
Marc will teach you about:
- Bamboo use in human society
- Bamboo carpentry techniques
- Bamboo joinery techniques
- Bamboo carpentry techniques
- Bamboo joinery techniques
Suitable for all ability levels
Age 16+
Age 16+
Places are limited to 5 people per day
Please see the events calendar for the current schedule.
To Book please email: thedeerwoodtrust@gmail.com

"Amazing day - my son absolutely loved working on a project with Marc, thanks a lot for running the day." Eliie V 23rd July '23

If you wish to sign up for future courses - these will develop your knowledge and skills in how to incorporate bamboo into useful objects, furniture and structures.

Company no: 14810543