Our work towards re-esablishing native temperate rainforests
A brief history
Did you know... that just after the ice age and up until the land of the British Isles was cleared for agriculture, much of the country was covered in great forests? In damp areas, particularly along all of the west coast, in the valleys and on the mountains, a highly diverse ecosystem was enabled to come into being due to the large amounts of rainfall in these areas.
These eco-systems are now described as Atlantic Temperate Rainforest. Tiny remnants of such highly diverse forests can still be found in western Scotland, North West England (such as the Lake District), throughout parts of Wales and the West Country- (Cornwall, Devon and Somerset). Very similar biomes can also be seen in some western coastal areas of northern Europe. This type of ecology is mirrored on the other side of the Atlantic in parts of Canada (below the Arctic belt), and coastal North America. It is found throughout equivalent zones both north and south of the equator, just above or below the Arctic and Antarctic zones and in Pacific Oceana as well.
Temperate rainforests differ from tropical rainforests in several ways- most clearly defined by being closer to the poles and often subject to cold wintery conditions and warm damp summers. flora and fauna vary according to location, the Atlantic Temperate Rainforest Biome has a very high diversity of ferns, lichens, mosses and other bryophytes as well as an incredible cross-section of living soil microorganisms and mycorrhiza.
Very little of this unique biome remains in Britain and around the world, but tiny remnants are still intact. In South West Britain, small pockets can be seen, as well as in Western Ireland, Western Scotland and Wales.
These ancient forests hold a huge amount of unique biodiversity and can capture vast quantities of Co2.
What are we doing in Deer Wood?
In a push to start to re-establish Britain's temperate rainforests, it is our work here, both at the level of research and practical cultivation in the Deer Wood native tree & plant Nursery, to guide land owners who are re-planting and re-wilding.
In 2024 we will be initiating specialised Woodland Horticultural courses for those who are interested in practical native rainforest conservation at the level of plant and tree cultivation.
Company No: 14810543