The deer Wood Native Tree Nursery
The Deer Wood Tree Nursery, nestled in the heart of this mixed deciduous woodland was started in 2012. Initially it was simply intended to supply this woodland with a reliable source of good quality disease free stock from known healthy local provenance trees. Given the continual prevalence and spread of dangerous pathogens that have been imported and found their way into Britains cultivated and wild woodlands this single reason would be enough to motivate the nursery’s inception.
However, the success of the nursery right from the onset meant that we had a significant abundance of trees that we were able to sell to customers in the wider community.




Woodland in a pot
Inside each Woodland in a Pot there is:
1 Deciduous Woodland Tree growing in our specially created living woodland humus-growing medium blended in Deer Wood and includes indigenous woodland mycorizer (native woodland micro-organisms).
Varieties available include:
- Alder
- Feild Maple
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Holly
- Sweet Chestnut
- Oak
In addition each pot also contains Bluebell bulbs & either a Primrose, Fern or woodland Sedge grown from seed or spore in the Deer Wood nursery.
To get your new tree planting off to a strong & vigorous start, we recommend a minimum of 1 Woodland in a Pot to every 25 bare rooted trees planted.
Prices are competitive and vary according to tree pot size.
From provenance Seeds to Bare Rooted Trees

Bare-Rooted trees are available to buy from December -end of March and can be pre-ordered.
We work on a 'Dana' basis of £1 per tree no mater what size or age, with donnations on top of that price gratefully recieved.
All proceeeds from our tree sales go straight back into the conservation work we do here.

Potted trees - available all year
We have a range of trees from 3 -8 yrs in pots, prices vary according to pot size and age.
- Oak
- Sweet Chestnut
- Hazel
- Holly
- Elder
- Martime Pine
- Beech
- Field Maple
For enquires please e-mail: thedeerwoodtrust@gmail.com

Company No: 14810543