Our Approach

- Connecting
- Inspiring
- Nurturing
- Nature
- Community
- Experiential Learning
Taking positive action towards an Earth Friendly Future by increasing the human understanding of the interconnectivity of all life.
Creating a safe and inclusive space for diverse community groups to connect with nature. Improving well-being by participation in hands on, outdoor learning, in beautiful native woodlands.

The objects of the organisation are:
- The Deer wood Trust manages Deer Wood the property in ways that are in keeping with ecological sustainability, permacultural principles, appropriate and balanced social needs, a robust and sound business plan and as outlined in its Woodland Management Plan paid for and endorsed by the Forestry Commission in 2013.
- The Deer Wood Trust will work on a not-for-profit basis- all proceeds raised will be used to run and further develop the work of The Deer Wood Trust.
- The Deer Wood Trust will always be run with a transparent equal opportunities policy. The social side of the work will always be done in a way that invites all people, from all backgrounds and walks of life, to come and be involved in organised woodland-based activities as long as the numbers of visitors are kept in ecologically sustainable numbers that don’t negatively impact on the woodland environment and its wildlife.
- The Deer Wood Trust and the Work in Deer Wood must only ever be run so that it generates an income in a way that enhances the local ecology and biodiversity and not at a cost to the environment.
- Deer Wood is always to be a place of example for sustainable woodland-based business, lifestyles and culture. It shall continue to run along the lines of Native Deciduous Forestry activities Permaculture, Forest Gardens and activities for the local and wider community.
These include:
- The Tree Nursery
- Wood fuel
- Logs
- Charcoal Making
- Coppicing
- Woodland Management
- Micro Mobile Sawmilling
- Green Oak Carpentry
- Earth Friendly Food courses
- And other activities for the socially disadvantaged as well as the wider local community.

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